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Another fun part of life on Planet 7 is the Pet System. After all, it gets lonely on an alien world. All characters have a pet that they can adventure with as they play through the game. Although players can only have one pet with them at a time, they can keep the other pets back on their homestead. The number of pets you can have in the beginning will be limited, but increases as you progress through the game.


Grow your bond by taking your pet on adventures, defeating powerful creatures, grooming it, playing fetch with it, or fighting battles. Once your pet’s bond with you reaches max level you will unlock your pet's Ultimate Ability!

Another fun part of life on Planet 7 is the Pet System. After all, it gets lonely on an alien world. All characters have a pet that they can adventure with as they play through the game. Although players can only have one pet with them at a time, they can keep the other pets back on their homestead. The number of pets you can have in the beginning will be limited, but increases as you progress through the game.


Grow your bond by taking your pet on adventures, defeating powerful creatures, grooming it, playing fetch with it, or fighting battles. Once your pet’s bond with you reaches max level you will unlock your pet's Ultimate Ability!

Another fun part of life on Planet 7 is the Pet System. After all, it gets lonely on an alien world. All characters have a pet that they can adventure with as they play through the game. Although players can only have one pet with them at a time, they can keep the other pets back on their homestead. The number of pets you can have in the beginning will be limited, but increases as you progress through the game.


Grow your bond by taking your pet on adventures, defeating powerful creatures, grooming it, playing fetch with it, or fighting battles. Once your pet’s bond with you reaches max level you will unlock your pet's Ultimate Ability!

pet types

When you equip a pet to accompany you on your adventures your pet will grant you a passive trait based off of its type of pet helping you out in their own little way. Pets come in five distinct types; Reptile, Feline, Canine, Rodent and Avian. Each one of these types has a unique trait associated with all pets that grants a special function while your pet is equipped to your character. If you want to find hidden secrets adventure with your canine companion or if you want to extra help in battling the dangers of the wilds get some extra help from your feline friend.

  • Reptilian: Wildlife Repel

  • Feline: Combat Specialist

  • Canine: Hidden Object Finding

  • Rodent: Skill Bonus

  • Avian: RNG Material Gifting

Like livestock, pets are a crucial part of the game. They spice up your combat, find secrets while exploring, fight in pet battle mini-games and bolster homestead defense even further.


Your pets will come in two different varieties, Earth and Alien.

charlie the cyborge

farmer john's trusty and loyal companion for life

***unobtainable pet***

Charlie the Cyborge is a unique pet owned by Farmer John. She is his life long companion and wasn't always a cyborg. During Farmer John and Charlies adventures on the Seneca 7 exhibition mission, Charlie wandered off and suffered grievous injuries. This led to Farmer John rebuilding Charlie with robotic components in order to save her life. 


Ever since that day Farmer John and Charlie became inseparable. Their bond is one that others wish they could experience just once in a lifetime. Plus being part robot doesn’t stop her from loving belly rubs!

additional info

Type: Half-Robot Dog

Sex: Female

Birthday: Autumn 07

Diet: Meat, Fish, Sweet Potatoes

Pet Trait: Hidden Object Finding

mr. peeperz

leon muskratt's genetically created monstrosity


***unobtainable pet***

It was a solemn night Leon Muskratt thought to himself as him and the settlers cruised through the fabled galaxy. As they were on their ways back to Seneca 7, Leon came up with a brilliant idea. It all begun when Leon was chatting with his Peeper Followers on his newly acquired social media platform Peeper. One of his fans suggested how cool it would be to genetically 3D print the social medias brand icon, the bluebird of happiness, into a real bird. So Leon and S.A.L.I. did the unthinkable and created life capturing the true spirit of the brand.
Yet like all great Frankenstein stories, something was bound to go wrong. Mr. Peeperz came out of the Organic 3D Printer deranged. His eyes were crazed and he had this quite ominous cackle. That didn’t stop Mr. Peeperz from amassing more followers than Leon Muskratt himself!

additional info

Type: Mutant Bird

Sex: Male

Birthday: Winter 30

Diet: Meat, Fruit, Insects, Vegetables, Fish, Fungus, Eggs, Diary

Pet Trait: RNG Material Gifting

princess cybercorn

rosy's beloved childhood companion

***unobtainable pet***

Ever since she was a little girl, Rosy had always wanted a unicorn as a pet. One day her wish finally came true. During one of her missions as an Animancer for the MagiScience Enclave. She stormed the hidden base of a notorious villain known for genetic and cybernetic experiments. These were performed without the written consent of the MagiScience Council of Bureaucrats. It was here that she rescued Princess Cybercorn from her deranged captors.
Ever since that day, a bond was forged between the two. You will never see Rosy without her best friend by her side. Who by the way is the most glamorous bad B to ever travel the galaxy. There is one important concept to know about Princess Cybercorn, she can be a diva. And her best friend Rosy would have it no other way.

additional info

Type: Half-Robot Horse

Sex: Female

Birthday: Spring 11

Diet: Fruit, Grains, Vegetables, Fungus

Unique Pet Trait: Pretty Pretty Pony


jimmy's trusty sidekick and lifelong friend

***unobtainable pet***

Jimmy Nova's childhood pet Spiderpus was named after his favorite superhero Spiderdude. Spiderpus is more than your average ink slinging octopus. With Jimmy's connections to the deep state and access to a vast fortune; He has genetically modified his best bud into a superhero. With his new found powers, Spiderpus can go days without being in water and can morph his skin pigment to anything he wants. Although, he never seems to want to stop looking like Jimmy's favorite superhero.
You will never see Jimmy without his trusty companion by his side. They have seen it all and eagerly look forward to the next great adventure life takes them on. Maybe they will take down a few baddies along the way. 

additional info

Type: Mutant Fish

Sex: Male

Birthday: Summer 17

Diet: Fish

Pet Trait: Octosense is Tingling

The Earth Pets will be our fun cyberpunk twist on your traditional pets seen in the farming and RPG genres.


A mythical cat rumored to be the real inventor of the computer


***obtainable pet***

It is common knowledge that Charles Babbage, a Victorian era inventor, was the inventor of the computer. According to rumors however, the idea came from his pet cat named Mittens. Some say he even invented a flying device powered by purrpetual energy generated by kitty purrs. This allowed the device to generate enough power allowing his cherished cat to reach heights it only dreamed of achieving. The two were inseparable, that was until one night Mittens was stolen by a ruthless inventor known as Thomas Edison. It is said the grief Charles experienced sent him to his grave. Mittens was never heard or seen from again. But there have been talks recently about a strange flying cat at the Edison Estate. This led to the rumor that perhaps Babbage's famed cat was the reason for all of Editions greatest inventions.
Recently there have been strange sightings of a flying cat floating within the empty corridors of the Seneca 7. His yowls that wail throughout the night give those who hear them a sense of sorrow. Could it be that this cat lived 8 lives in order to find a new home for its 9th life?

additional info

Type: Cat

Sex: They

Birthday: Unknown

Diet: Milk, Fish, Meat

Pet Trait: Combat Specialist


A mythical corgi said to have powerful psychic powers


***obtainable pet***

This fabled Corgi once belonged to Queen Elizabeth herself. Legend has it that one night when the Queen was touring an MI6 black site, her favorite Corgi ran off. It happened upon an experimental serum being developed to make super soldiers. After its exposure, the Corgi began to develop powerful psychic abilities. It started throwing its own balls, sneaking treats with telepathy, and could even float around. The Corgi spoiled itself to the dismay of the Queen. This became a great burden for the Queen and her staff to manage. Eventually the Psicorgi saw how sad her master had become due to its new found psychic powers.  PsiCorgi made up its mind to leave. Using its maximum psychic energy output, it opened a portal to an unknown dimension never to be seen from again.
Recently there has been talks about the appearance of a strange Psicorgi floating through the corridors of the seneca 7 settler space ships. There have also been reports of dog treats going missing from cabins. Could the mythical Psicorgi be headed to Seneca 7 to make its new home? If so, will there be someone they can handle being their master? Only time and dog treats can say for sure. 

additional info

Type: Dog

Sex: They

Birthday: Unknown

Diet: Meat, Fish, Sweet Potatoes

Pet Trait: Hidden Object Finding

The Alien Pets, wildlife encountered during your adventures on Planet 7, will be creatures able to be tamed and added to your homestead menagerie.


deceptively cute and terrifyingly deadly


***obtainable pet***

This strange land bird is one of the peculiar and prominent bird species that have been discovered to inhabit Planet 7. Observations of the Hooties have uncovered unusual traits.  In nature, it seemed to be similar to the Earth's coyotes along with a mix of piranha. They were noted to travel in large packs. Using their more feeble pack members to lure prey into a false security as the rest of the pack swarms from the shadows. It was observed that a small pack of Hootie could with ease strip a full grown Buffoworm.
With some diligence and skill in training it is believed that the Hootie could become a domesticated pet as the settlers begin fully integrating into their new home on Plant 7. Be warned if one wishes to own more than one Hootie at a time. They are known to be sneaky. 

additional info

Type: Bird

Sex: Male or Female

Diet: Meat

Habitat: Forests, Plains, Hills, Mountains

Pet Trait: RNG Material Gifting


this strange alien creature is actually two different animals

***obtainable pet***

The Chimeleon is the newly discovered symbiotic reptile life form that inhabits Planet 7. This plant-esque lizard is its own animal that has near statuesque movements. It also has a natural ability to camouflage itself within its environment, blending in with its terrain. The anemone-like creature residing on the Chimeleon's back side is its own organism that has a physiology intertwined with the Chimeleon's. It has yet to be observed to find a Chimeleon without the strange creature housed on its back.
Due to its herd-like organization, the Chimeleon is a prime candidate for attempts of domestication of the natural wildlife on Planet 7.

additional info

Type: Reptile

Sex: Male or Female

Diet: Insects

Habitat: The Settlement Valley

Pet Trait: Wildlife Repel

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